Friday, August 10, 2012

Back home, with hope to return.

Hello Friends,
   I'm currently writing from the road heading back to Tennessee. I've returned to the states for the next month. For those of you who have not read or heard about the days of my life over this past year I'll do my best to catch you up. In September of 2011, I set off to Palawan, Philippines to serve as a student missionary with Adventist Frontier Mission. I spent the year teaching high school level math to the native Palawan tribe at the missionary training school established by career missionaries Pastor Kent and Leonda George.
   During my year there, it was my pleasure to try to learn the native language, to assimilate to the local culture, and to allow God to use me to show the character of Christ to His children in that little corner of the world. I saw first hand the hand of God work in my life and in the lives of those I came in contact with. Stories of the many answered prayers and people's hearts once claimed as Satan's property reconciled to Christ could be told. I saw an active Savior fighting a real and tangible battle between the forces of good and evil and let me be one to tell you that good is winning.
At a turning point of this past year I felt called to return for a second year. Having learned the language enough to discuss things of eternally relevance and made friendships with the local people, i feel confident that God can use these tools to build up His kingdom. 
   Last year was only made possible by people who believe in missions and were willing to support God's work among the Palawan tribe. God blessed and multiplied their prayers and monies that was given to accomplish many things last year. If you don't believe me read the previous posts on this blog then ask yourself the question is this work worth supporting? 
   I appeal most importantly for your prayers because nothing is impossible when God's people pray. Secondly I ask that you would sacrifice and support me financially and take part in a plan much bigger than any of us. We'll only know the length of the far reaching results of this great plan in our heavenly home.